Thursday, March 22, 2007

my first post

well, this is my blog's maiden celebrate, i actually smashed a bottle of champagne across the front of my iBook like they do on ocean liners...just kidding...i'm too mature for that...speaking of maturity...i will probably be abandoning myspace and facebook as i have obviously become much too mature for those things...just kidding...i will keep them around so i can check up on everybody...for now...unless no one reads my blog...then it's back to "the space" and "the book."

i am very new to this blog thing so i am accepting constructive criticsm...such as, "you're boring"...or "why do you always use that three period thingy?"...etc., answer the second question...complete sentences are very difficult for someone like, writing in this fashion allows me to type as i i will...a's my blog...i'm hungry...when will class end?...see? those are my thoughts...right there in front of you.

so i will stop rambling and get to the blog is not very i'm gonna keep practicing, but in the meantime check out my good friend Gene's blog...he actually has interesting and intelligent things to he posts his it's win/win/win...and it's kind of ironic that i'm writing this since he is probably the only one reading this...hello gene.

also, as a bonus...check out this guy on youtube...he is really funny and really talented...i can't figure out if the glasses and slow speech are really him or just an act, but either way he's favorites are rocky remixed and this guitar dealy-o.

so tune in next time...and somebody suggest some better names for my blog...or else you're stuck with the current title


Anonymous said...


#1 - hello.

#2 - i love the title. (the only back up i would accept at this point is Casey At The Bat...but then of course you'd have to post about sports most of the time)

#3 - i LOVE ellipsis. there is no such thing as using them too much. even if it's just an entire post of ellipsis.

#4 - i am honored that 'gene' is actually a label/category on your new blog.

#5 - i also hate myspace. i've never used facebook...but someone has linked to my blog from it you?

#6 - about time!

#7 - the number of completion...i am really excited about your blog.

Anonymous said...


#8 - i'd like to repeat #4 but with 'pensiero' in the space of 'gene'

#9 - now i get to update my 'casey' link on my blog. i LOVE updating links.

Anonymous said...

#10 - i didn't miss the win-win-win joke. and, in fact, i heartily appreciated it.