Sunday, September 16, 2007

all about me...

i was tagged...

Here are the rules:
- Each player starts with eight random facts about themselves.
- Those who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
- At the end of the post, choose some people to get tagged and list their names.

i drove a 1966 mustang during high school. generally it was fairly reliable except for two glaring occasions:
-the first day of school (senior year)
-junior/senior prom (that's right, in my tux and all)

as a child (sometime between 1st and 4th grade) i considered running away. i am not sure why, i don't remember being unhappy. i think that i just thought i'd be better off living on the streets or something. i also took a picture to leave with my parents. i never did make it though...i lived in madera, so it would have been a long walk to get to "the streets"

my friends and i brought a barbeque to school during our senior year of high school and hosted a number of tailgate parties during lunch

my grandpa (who passed away last year) fought in world war ii and was in a plane that was shot down over germany. he was in a prisoner of war camp for months until he was rescued by the british army. he was only given one potato per day as his meal which caused him to pretty much pass on the mashed potatoes for the rest of his life.

although i played sports for my entire childhood, i never once received a physical fitness award (not even national, and definitely not presidential) simply because i couldn't touch my toes. i ran the mile, shuttle run, pull-ups, sit-ups. but the v-sit, sit and reach, or whatever they liked to call it always got the better of me.

i will pass out or throw up if i bleed. you can bleed as much as you want, i'll be fine. but please don't make me bleed. to try and conquer this fear, i gave blood for the first time a month ago. i barely made it, and you'd have thought that i just got my skin bleached, but i did it...and i'm still just as bad as before.

i learned to read when i was three years old, and by kindergarten i could read at an eighth grade level. i was not allowed to read in our normal reading groups and a special reading partner from the junior high came and "tutored" me. unfortunately that was the highlight of my academic career.

while i would always choose to live in a city, i secretly really like nature. i love to go hiking. yosemite is probably the coolest place i've ever been. and someday i want to do one of those survival campouts. you know where you grab a hiking pack and head out into the wilderness for a week or two and live off the land. i don't know if i'd know how to live off the land, but i'd like to try.

so that's it. i gave a few fun facts for anybody who reads this thing. i don't think that i have anyone to tag who hasn't already been carson, you're it.

1 comment:

gene pensiero said...

excellent post. all things i did not know about you...except the blood thing...and maybe the tailgating.

and, you win the prize for first tag response. congratulations. that should make up for never receiving a physical fitness award from President Bush Sr.