I know, two days in a row...impressive, to say the least.
Well, as the title says, I can't believe I'm saying this...but
HP may have outsmarted
Apple. Let me explain: Last January, Apple introduced the MacBook Air and there were a lot of rumors out there that the new laptop would have a touch screen. I was so excited that this might be the case.
I watched intently as the announcement was made.........but the touch screen never materialized. At the latest announcement, they updated the laptops again and no touch screen. A reporter asked Steve Jobs why they haven't looked at touch screen for laptops, Jobs said that "they don't make a lot of sense to us."
Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy talk?? With the wild success of iPhones and their wonderful functionality, Apple obviously has the knowledge and expertise to make this work for laptops or desktops. Instead, HP has beaten them to the punch and come out with a
REALLY COOL computer that steals a lot of the mystique from Apple. I know touch screens and tablets are not revolutionary technology but Apple is the perfect company to bring them to the mainstream and make them standard features. I'm starting to ramble, but I just can't believe that Apple, a company that is always so good at reading the market and consumers, would let HP bring their Touchsmart to market while they sit idly and laud their "multi-touch trackpad".
Whew! At least I got that off of my chest. Maybe some Apple intern will read this and send it along to Steve Jobs. My message: "Steve, listen to me. Trackpads cramp your hands. Touch screens are a 'game changer'. Make it happen."